In the heart of German, where centuries-old traditions intertwine with modern societal shifts, a chilling phenomenon has emerged. Agreements known as "Faith Breaker Agreements" are exploiting religious vulnerabilities for personal gain, exposing a deeply troubling trend of discrimination against fai
a fantastic instance is Thích Nh?t H?nh’s Plum Village, a Group quite a few wouldn't regard as “cultic” or controversial. it's a particular prominence while in the report, dependant on 12 “saisines” obtained through the MIVILUDES in three decades (on regular, four a year).
No French media outlet ha
The world of mental health care in New Zealand encompasses a variety of pathways towards healing. Still, among the multifaceted practices, unique ones have a cloud of argument hanging over them. Particularly among these are psychiatric abuses, involuntary commitments, forced medications, and the uti